After attacks on US diplomats, Cubans' visa hopes in limbo

Thousands of Cubans have had their travel plans thrown into limbo by the U.S. State government's announcement that it has suspended visa processing in Havana.

The move is attributed to a stark cutback in embassy staffing after mysterious attacks left 21 diplomats with serious health problems.

On the first business day since Friday's announcement, about 300 visa-seekers milled about in what's known as the "park of laments." That's a small plaza near the U.S. Embassy where visa-seekers wait for appointments.

They all worried that the move jeopardizes their plans — to visit an ailing relative, or move in search of a job.

Carlos Sierra is a 31-year-old restaurant worker who hopes to join his parents in Florida.

In his words: "For now, the only thing I can do is wait."