
Bastrop County Sheriff's deputies say a woman, believed to be the victim of a hit-and-run on Monday, actually died from gunshot wounds.

Authorities believe it could be drug related, which would make it the eighth homicide victim of this nature in two months. Del Valle residents say enough is enough.

"We can't be afraid and let these people take over our neighborhood. I want to stand up for my community, especially cause my children are here and they're going to grow up here," says one Del Valle resident who wished to remain anonymous.

She says she didn't want to be identified but she wants her voice heard. She hopes neighbors will come together to help authorities bring this to an end.

Since Del Valle is near the county lines, Travis County is investigating seven of the bodies found while Bastrop County is investigating one.

The Bastrop County body was first thought to be a hit-and-run. The victim has been identified as 28-year-old Amber Taylor from Paige, Texas.

FOX 7 obtained autopsy results with the cause of death: gunshot wounds.

The vehicle involved is missing its driver side front window and further investigation determined this shooting may be drug related.

"Even the quadruple homicide, you know, shook our community. I didn't know them or anything like that but that's never happened before. What's the story behind that? We don't get any updates; we haven't heard anything about it. Why did it take a woman to get shot and killed for them to be involved?" asks the anonymous Del Valle resident.

Bastrop County has seen an increase in drug-related offenses in the past few years, resulting in multiple arrests and pounds of drugs being taken off the streets.

"I mean we've seen the most homicides this year, six currently this year, than we've seen in the previous eight years. Most of them seem to be either drug-related or domestic disturbance related," says Bastrop County Sheriff Rosanna Abreo.

In October, the Bastrop County Sheriff's Office re-formed their drug unit. They have assigned four people to handle narcotics cases. In the coming weeks, they will add two drug K9s to their team.

Some residents believe it's long overdue which is why they reached out to FOX 7 for help.

"I appreciate you keeping up with this story because I watched the other news stations last night and not one of them spoke about Del Valle and the murders that have been going on. FOX 7 is the only one that's been keeping up with this story," says Del Valle resident.

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