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ZELENSKYY SETS GROUND RULES - Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy revealed some of his country's ground rules for a peace agreement with Russia on Sunday, but Russian authorities moved to censor the interview, perhaps because Zelenskyy said the peace talks haven't mentioned Ukraine's supposed "Nazism." Continue reading …

TRAPS SET – A spokesman for the Ukrainian Air Force said the country’s strategy lures Russian planes into air defense traps. Continue reading …

WILL SMITH GETS PHYSICAL – Comedian Chris Rock joked about a "G.I. Jane" sequel and Jada Pinkett Smith's bald head. Her husband, Will Smith, was offended and slapped Rock. Continue reading …

LONG-TERM COVID SYMPTOMS – Different variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, may give rise to different long COVID symptoms. Continue reading …

NORTH KOREAN MISSILE – North Korea said Kim Jong Un has vowed to develop more powerful means of attack, days after the country's first ICBM launch in more than four years. Continue reading …



BORDER PATROL PROBE - The allegations that Border Patrol agents allegedly "whipped" Haitians trying to illegally enter U.S. were debunked, but the probe is ongoing. Continue reading …

TREY GOWDY - Trey Gowdy reflected on the confirmation hearing for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, questioning whether the proceedings were "constructive" or just partisan politics. Continue reading …

MARK LEVIN - Russian President Vladimir Putin is a war criminal who bears responsibility for some of the world's most "horrific atrocities." Continue reading …

BAD NEWS, JOE - President Biden’s job approval rating has declined to 40%, the lowest level of his presidency, as the president continues to see eroding support. Continue reading …

POSITIVE FOR COVID-19 - White House Principal Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tested positive for COVID-19 after returning from Biden's trip to Europe. Continue reading …

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CONSERVATIVE TRAVELS AMERICA - Scott Presler is traveling the nation to urge Americans who are sick of "failed Democrat policies" and rising gas prices to register as Republicans. Continue reading …

DAN HOFFMAN - "What scares Vladimir Putin at the heart of this conflict is democracy. It’s not that NATO represents a threat." Continue reading …

‘BOOTED’ - Washington Post columnist Max Boot insisted that Biden's call for a regime change in Moscow was deliberate, and rejected the media's use of the term "gaffe." Continue reading …

RUBIO ON WMDs - Sen. Marco Rubio argued that the "likeliest thing you are going to see" from Putin is his trying to use chemical or biological weapons "in a way that makes it look like someone else did it." Continue reading …

UNIMPRESSED - Richard Engel, NBC News' chief foreign correspondent, claimed he doesn't believe that Zelenskyy was "overly impressed" with Biden's comments in Poland about Putin. Continue reading …



IAN PRIOR – A Wisconsin school district uses ideological trainings to hide its radicalizing hand and help students conceal dangerous actions from parents. Continue reading …

REP. JODY HICE - At a South Carolina rally President Trump suggested federal workers should be at-will employees and face termination at any time or for any reason. Continue reading …

REBECCA GRANT - Despite the White House cleanup attempt, I’m still fixated on President Biden’s remarks about Vladimir Putin and regime change. Continue reading …

MIKE GARCIA- As Russia’s military makes advances through Kyiv, the growing threat of China looms while our President does little to deter it. Continue reading …

ANDREW BROWN - The CDC lost the confidence of the American public during the COVID-19 pandemic. Child Protective Services seems next in line. Continue reading …



CAN BE ‘CLEAN’ - A natural gas supplier said there are misconceptions about the fossil fuel that powers everything from cell phones to electric cars. Continue reading …

MICKEY ROURKE FINDS PEACE – Actor says he survived Hollywood blacklisting for being difficult to work with and he found peace after a priest "saved" him. Continue reading

FOR HER SISTER - Kyleigh Leddy’s book sheds light on mental illness and how it took her sister away from her family emotionally, psychologically and ultimately physically. Continue reading …

DOUBLE STANDARD? – Disney is fighting Florida's parental rights law, but ignoring Uyghur genocide and filming in China. Continue reading …

CINDERELLA RUN - How the Saint Peter's NCAA team shocked the world and "made history." Continue reading …



What’s it looking like in your neighborhood?  Continue reading…



"So what is the purpose of the hearings if it is a straight party-line vote regardless? Are these hearings educational? Helpful? Constructive? Is this what advice and consent was meant to be?











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This edition of Fox News First was compiled by Fox News' Jack Durschlag. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! We’ll see you in your inbox first thing Tuesday.