X-rated classroom party gets teacher fired from Florida school

Mater Lakes Academy charter school in Miami. (Google Earth)

A South Florida teacher is out a job after throwing an after-school surprise birthday party in a classroom that featured sex toys and X-rated party favors, according to a report.

Parents told WSVN-TV that the party at the Mater Lakes Academy charter school in Miami Wednesday exposed the students -- who were as young as 11 -- to sex-themed party favors.

The mother of a young girl who was an attendee said the party was for a former male student, and when he walked into the classroom “they surprised him with a hat that had a penis attached to the top and a string to be able to pull it . . . ,” the station reported.

She also said the party included a cake that was in the shape of the female form, according to the station.

The station aired snippets of video shot at the party showing the hat and other sexual items. Students who were reported to be members of the school's dance team can be heard singing happy birthday.

“You can’t even imagine,” said the mother, who is also a teacher, WSVN reported. “You know, I’ve raised my daughter the proper way and never taught her anything similar to that.”

The woman told the station her daughter was extremely upset.

“She couldn’t sleep last night. She woke up crying,” she said. “It hurts that she’s being taught this at the school where I trust she’s gonna be taken care of.”

The teacher wasn’t identified.

Mater Lakes Academy officials said the dance teacher had been fired, but wouldn’t say who brought in the X-rated party favors, the station said.

They said in a statement, “Once we became aware of the situation, we addressed it immediately and have taken the appropriate measures and the individual has been dismissed,” the station reported.

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