Woman who pushed friend off 50-foot bridge gets 2 days in jail, work crew

Clark County District Court Judge Darvin Zimmerman sentenced 19-year-old Tay'lor Smith on Wednesday, saying she should do some jail time in light of Jordan Holgerson's serious injuries.

A woman who pleaded guilty to pushing her 16-year-old friend from a bridge at a popular swimming area near Vancouver has been sentenced to two days in jail and 38 days on a county work crew.

Clark County District Court Judge Darvin Zimmerman sentenced 19-year-old Tay'lor Smith on Wednesday, saying she should do some jail time in light of Jordan Holgerson's serious injuries. Smith pleaded guilty earlier this month to misdemeanor reckless endangerment as part of a plea agreement.

Smith pushed Holgerson off the bridge Aug. 7 at Moulton Falls northeast of Vancouver. Video posted on YouTube that was widely viewed shows Holgerson being pushed. The 50-foot fall broke Holgerson's ribs, caused severe bruising and punctured her lungs.

In court Wednesday she said she's still dealing with physical therapy, pain, anxiety and panic attacks. Holgerson started to cry during her statement to the judge and an advocate then read it for her, saying Holgerson was terrified when she was pushed and when she was in the water thought she was going to die.

"We feel lucky today that she is alive," Genelle Holgerson told the judge of the incident involving her daughter, adding that she'd like to see some jail time. "It has cost me and my family lost wages not to mention stress and heartache."

Smith apologized to Holgerson in court saying Holgerson has been in her thoughts and that she has and will continue to do her best to right her wrongs. She broke down in tears when a deputy handcuffed her and led her out of the courtroom.

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