A New Jersey woman upset about a racy Playboy bunny display featuring five scantily clad mannequins outside her neighbor's home allegedly used garden shears on Tuesday to dismantle the exhibit.

Desiree Shepstone, 37, of Clifton, had been charged with third-degree criminal mischief for damage exceeding $2,000 for tearing down the arrangement.

The display is meant to celebrate Playboy magazine founder Hugh Hefner, who would have turned 93 on Tuesday. The mannequins were dressed in sexy lingerie, fishnet stockings with bunny ears and were holding Easter baskets surrounded by Easter eggs.

"I got a son," Shepstone told a WPIX-TV. "He's 16-years-old. He's a good boy you know. He doesn't need to see this every time I take him back from school."

Wayne Gangi, who practices out of his Clifton home and usually puts up the display around the holidays, told NJ.com he plans to press charges against Shepstone.

“She vandalized my property and for that I’ll see her in court,” he said. “I’m not going to let this type of thing happen by this type of person. She’s a troubled neighbor who happened to see Inside Edition here and wanted attention for herself."


Gangi said the mannequins drew many visitors last Halloween, prompting Clifton police to send two dozen officers for crowd control. He said he buys the mannequins online for up to $1,000 each, and plans to put the display back up Friday.