With big game on horizon, Sen. McConnell's campaign ad mistakes Duke basketball for Kentucky

Sen. Mitch McConnell's latest campaign video hit all the necessary Kentucky high points: horse racing, bluegrass — and Duke basketball?

The campaign was scrambling Tuesday morning to remove an online video that features a split-second clip of Duke basketball players celebrating a national championship.

The mistake comes as the basketball-crazy state of Kentucky prepares for the biggest game of the year. Kentucky and Louisville face off in the Sweet 16 on Friday night.

Allison Moore, McConnell's spokeswoman and a University of Kentucky graduate, blames the mistake on a vendor and says the campaign was "horrified."

Alison Lundergan Grimes, McConnell's likely Democratic opponent, has already miffed fans by picking Wichita State to beat Kentucky in the NCAA basketball tournament. Kentucky won that game 78-76.