Wisconsin Christmas parade tragedy results in multiple deaths, injuries; suspect in custody

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Multiple deaths, injuries reported after SUV plows into Wisconsin Christmas parade
Authorities in a Milwaukee suburb continued overnight to deal with the aftermath after a red SUV plowed into Christmas parade marchers and spectators Sunday evening, striking more than 20 adults and children.

Some fatalities occurred at the Waukesha event, police Chief Dan Thompson told reporters at an evening news conference, according to FOX 6 of Milwaukee.

Waukesha city officials early Monday confirmed that at least five people had died and more than 40 suffered injuries. They warned that both numbers could change, with more information expected at a news conference expected later Monday.

A Roman Catholic priest, multiple parishioners, and Catholic schoolchildren were among those injured at the parade, an Archdiocese of Milwaukee spokeswoman told The Associated Press.

Chilling videos on social media showed the SUV plowing into parade participants, with loud screams audible from those who witnessed the horror. Other videos showed people running to the aid of the injured people.

"Oh my God!" a woman shouts over and over in one video, after a group of girls in Santa Claus hats and waving white pompoms is struck. Another video shows members of a marching band being hit, the AP reported.

Social media posts contained the name and photo of a possible suspect, but Fox News is withholding the information until it is confirmed by authorities. CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON OUR TOP STORY

In other developments:
- Wisconsin: Multiple people killed after SUV plows through crowd at Christmas parade: LIVE UPDATES
- Illinois Democrat ties Waukesha tragedy to Rittenhouse case in mocking posts: ‘Probably just self-defense’
- Waukesha parade tragedy draws responses from White House, Wisconsin leaders, sports teams
- Waukesha Christmas parade witnesses describe chaos, blood after SUV strikes nearly 2 dozen
- Dr. Ben Carson speaks out on 'unthinkable' tragedy in Wisconsin

Rittenhouse posts from Virginia university slammed as 'politicized rhetoric'
When a Wisconsin jury acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse of murder charges last week, that development hampered the progress of science, a Virginia university's chemistry department suggested in a series of online posts that at least one critic derided as inappropriate "politicized rhetoric."

The communications on James Madison University's official Instagram account also briefly included a so-called "student takeover" video in which a JMU student lamented the "murdering" of "two beautiful Black lives" – even though the jury agreed that Rittenhouse acted in self-defense and the two men he fatally shot were both White.

"Reminder: it is hard to focus on science if you are worried you might be legally shot or run over at a protest," the JMU Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry tweeted on Saturday, the day after Rittenhouse's acquittal. The department continued, referencing various shootings of Black men that the Black Lives Matter movement has turned into rallying cries.

The JMU chemistry department also shared a video from Peacock channel host Amber Ruffin in which the host claimed the Rittenhouse acquittal shows that "the judicial system [is] blatantly and obviously stacked against people of color." 

The Kenosha, Wisconsin, jury declared Rittenhouse not guilty on five charges relating to his fatal shooting of two White men and wounding of one other White man during the second night of civil unrest in Kenosha on Aug. 25, 2020. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

In other developments:
- Kyle Rittenhouse: LIVE UPDATES
- Massachusetts university hosts segregated 'processing' spaces for responding to Rittenhouse verdict
- Associated Press accuses Republicans of using Rittenhouse case 'to exploit national divide' on race
- CBS' 'Face the Nation' continues to claim Rittenhouse crossed state lines 'armed for battle'
- Khloe Kardashian slammed for Kyle Rittenhouse comments amid Astroworld silence
- NBC's Maria Shriver sparks outrage after asking 'how it's possible' Rittenhouse walked out of court a free man

Biden says house burned ‘with my wife in it,’ adding to list of embellished stories
President Biden said last week that his house burned down with his wife Jill Biden inside before trying to correct himself, adding to a long list of personal stories he’s embellished over the years.

Speaking on a New Hampshire bridge on Tuesday about his bipartisan infrastructure plan, Biden said, "Without this bridge, as I said earlier, it’s a 10-mile detour just to get to the other side. And I know, having had a house burn down with my wife in it — she got out safely, God willing — that having a significant portion of it burn, I can tell: 10 minutes makes a hell of a difference."

Biden has recalled the story before, saying in 2013 that a fire "destroyed a significant portion" of his New Hampshire home.

However, a 2004 report from The Associated Press, archived by LexisNexis, said lightning struck the Bidens’ home and started a "small fire that was contained to the kitchen." The report said firefighters got the blaze under control in 20 minutes and that they were able to keep the flames from spreading beyond the kitchen.

The president has a long history of exaggerating stories about himself. Most recently, he recounted for the fifth time during his presidency a heartfelt yet factually challenged story about an Amtrak employee during a speech in New Jersey. The employee Biden frequently mentions actually died a year before the story was said to have taken place.

Biden’s tall-tale telling came to light during his first presidential campaign in 1988, which he eventually withdrew under the weight of multiple plagiarism allegations. He also said at the time that he "marched with tens of thousands" of people during the Civil Rights Movement, but that also turned out to be false. CLICK HERE TO READ MORE

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Dr. Ben Carson, former Housing and Urban Development secretary, gave his reaction to the tragedy in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on "Sunday Night in America" with Trey Gowdy.

"My heart obviously goes out to those people who have been killed or injured and their families," Carson said. "This is horrific, particularly this time of year. But also kudos to our first responders who were right there."

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Fox News First was compiled by Fox News' David Aaro. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! We’ll see you in your inbox first thing Tuesday.

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