Morale in the New York Police Department is waning, Fox News’ Will Cain highlighted on “Fox & Friends” Friday.

In an exclusive interview with the new “Fox & Friends Weekend” co-host, an NYPD officer said “the term for the NYPD that is going around in every command in the city is 'the job is dead.' You would be crazy to take this job at this day and age.”

Cain mentioned that the officer -- who wished to remain anonymous for the interview -- said NYPD officers are retiring, quitting, and terming out in large numbers.

“This is not just a New York City issue, there was a story yesterday that is happening in San Francisco as well. So this is my look to see what is happening in these cities and you get the insight of what a Democratic presidency might look like,” Cain said.

The full interview will air Saturday on "Fox & Friends Weekend."


Meantime, seven people were shot — one fatally — in a three-hour rash of violence across the city on Tuesday night, police said. A 20-year-old woman was also stabbed to death in the bloodshed that began at about 4:30 p.m. and spanned Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan, cops said.

The recent rash of violence in the city - including six deaths and 51 shootings last weekend - comes after widespread anti-police protests in New York and other major cities following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Critics, including former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and former New York City police commissioners, have blamed Mayor Bill de Blasio for the rising anti-police sentiment and the plunging morale among officers.

"The last time this city was like this, the last time the city had riots and crime at this level we had a Democratic mayor. All during the period of time, we had 30 years of massive crime. So, if this sets in, it's not going to end," Giuliani said this week. "We need a change in leadership."

Cain recently interviewed a restaurant owner in midtown Manhattan who said he noticed an improvement under Giuliani's leadership in commerce and safety but shared that he recently put metal grates over his windows because of the recent spike in crime.


"These things are happening in these cities because the Democrats have pro-criminal, anti-police policies. The reason it's happening is not Donald Trump. Donald Trump didn't release 8,000 people from prison. De Blasio did," Giuliani said, also blaming Gov. Andrew Cuomo. "I mean, there are children living next to sexual predators as a result of these two idiots."

Tina Moore, Kenneth Garger of New York Post contributed to this report.