One of the men accused of participating in an extremist plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is expected to plead guilty next week.

Ty Garbin, 25 will change his plea during a federal court hearing Wednesday, The Detroit News reported. He is charged, along with five other men -- Adam Fox, Barry Gordon Croft Jr., Kaleb Franks, Daniel Harris and Brandon Michael-Ray Caserta -- with conspiracy to commit kidnapping.

Eight others face terrorism-related charges in state court. Garbin was part of the leadership of a militia group, prosecutors said. 

In a photo provided by the Kent County Sheriff, Ty Garbin is shown in a booking photo. Garbin, one of six men accused of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is returning to court next week for a likely plea deal with prosecutors. Garbin is scheduled for a change-of-plea hearing Wednesday, according to a court filing. (Kent County Sheriff via AP File)

In a photo provided by the Kent County Sheriff, Ty Garbin is shown in a booking photo. Garbin, one of six men accused of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is returning to court next week for a likely plea deal with prosecutors. Garbin is scheduled for a change-of-plea hearing Wednesday, according to a court filing. (Kent County Sheriff via AP File)

Garbin's lawyer, Mark Satawa, did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News. 

FBI agents foiled the plot, which was motivated by anger over Whitmer's coronavirus restrictions that prompted protests and backlash from some Michigan residents and business owners. 

The men allegedly planned to kidnap Whitmer at her vacation home and conducted surveillance of the residence. 

Part of the plan allegedly included detonating explosives on a bridge to delay police from responding. In September, Fox allegedly ordered $4,000 worth of explosives from an undercover FBI agent who was posing as a co-conspirator. Fox, Garbin, Harris, and Franks allegedly met the undercover agent on Oct. 7 and paid him for "explosives and other supplies."

Defense lawyers have portrayed the group as "tough talkers" who didn't intend to follow through with their actions. 

Top, from left to right: Adam Dean Fox; Kaleb Franks; Brandon Caserta Bottom, from left to right: Daniel Harris; Ty Garbin; Barry Croft (Kent County Sheriff, Delaware Department of Justice)

Top, from left to right: Adam Dean Fox; Kaleb Franks; Brandon Caserta Bottom, from left to right: Daniel Harris; Ty Garbin; Barry Croft (Kent County Sheriff, Delaware Department of Justice)


The FBI said Garbin offered the use of his boat to surveil Whitmer's vacation home.

"He said he was ‘cool’ with going after the governor’s vacation home, however, even if it only resulted in destruction of property," an agent wrote in an affidavit. "Garbin offered to paint his personal boat black to support the surveillance of the vacation home from the lake where the vacation home is situated."

Fox News' Ronn Blitzer contributed to this report.