What to Do About a Rental Property Problem

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Mark J. Kohler explains how to handle rental property issues.

Rental property can be an excellent investment, but with any investment comes risk. From a downturn in the economy to bad tenants, there are a number of potential problems. Be proactive and consider solutions ahead of time.

Kohler lays out his "Problem Property Matrix" that can help you determine the best route to take when solving a property problem, highlighting the relationship between cash flow and equity.

The most important steps you can take are to refrain from letting your emotions get in the way and hold back from making any short-term decisions. Staying calm and rational will help you steer the crisis in the right direction.

More From Entrepreneur.com

To learn how you can cope when faced with a property problem, click play on the video above.

Watch more informative videos from Mark J. Kohler on his YouTube channel.

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