March 23, 2015: Washington State Patrol Trooper Tony Brock shows a cardboard cutout of the "The Most Interesting Man In The World," otherwise known as actor Jonathan Goldsmith, of Dos Equis beer TV commercial fame, strapped to the passenter seat of a driver who tried to use the image to qualify to drive the carpool lane on Interstate 5 near Fife, Wash. (AP)
A driver traveling through Washington state in the HOV lane was pulled over Monday after a state trooper saw an interesting passenger in the front seat.
The motorcycle trooper stopped the car and discovered the passenger was actually a cardboard cutout of the actor who portrays “The Most Interesting Man in the World” in Dos Equis beer ads.
The trooper said people try to cheat the HOV lane all the time but this one was by far the best carpool scam he had ever seen.
The driver told the officer the piece of cardboard was “my best friend.”
The Most Interesting Man was not taken by police, but the officer told the driver never to use it again.
The driver received a $124 ticket and was chided by the Washington State police on Twitter as well.
The Associated Press contributed to this report