Virginia student claims she was told to take down pro-gun video off Facebook by school

Elizabeth Najjar, 16, claims school officials asked to take down a Facebook video after she spoke up for gun rights. (Facebook)

A high school student in Virginia is claiming that she was asked by her school to take down a video where she spoke of gun rights, a claim that's been disputed by school officials.

Elizabeth Najjar, 16, posted an 18-minute Facebook video on April 1 in which she spoke against both the recent March For Our Lives event and students who have walked out of school to press for tougher gun control.

"It's not the guns that kill, it's really not the guns that kill," she says in her video. "If you see a gun sitting on the counter, it's not just going to kill someone. The person has to pick it up and kill someone, that's a fact, it's people killing people."

Najjar went on to claim that employees at Freedom High School in Chantilly, Va., have discriminated against her conservative views, including making her take off a hat because it had a gun manufacturer's logo on it. In another instance, the 16-year-old claims she had her backpack searched because she was seen with a magazine about police and army gear.

But according to school officials, Najjar was only asked to edit out a section of the video because she mentioned a transgender student by name in it.

“This had nothing to do with the Second Amendment,” London County Public Schools Public Information Officer Wayde Byard told The Washington Examiner. “The video mentioned a minor student as transgender by name without the student’s knowledge or permission."

Byard told Fox News in an email that she was suggested to edit out a part of the video where she mentioned "personal information about another student’s private life, using the student’s name, without the student’s permission."

The video, which has racked up over 64,000 views, drew the attention of Fox News contributor Tomi Lahren, who wrote on Twitter "My friend Elizabeth posted this Facebook LIVE supporting the Second Amendment. Today her school administrators asked her to take it down because it “offended” other students. Free speech doesn’t end where feelings begin. Enough of this."

Byard told Fox News that school officials have never disciplined a student who made a video "in any manner" for statements in support of the Second Amendment.

The 16-year-old now plans to host a Facebook show called "The Fight for Freedom," and plans to form a Students for Trump club at the high school, according to The Examiner.

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