How old is too old to go trick-or-treating on Halloween?

One Virginia city is very clear: 12 years old.

Officials in Chesapeake are threatening to fine or jail trick-or-treaters over the age 12 on Halloween to prevent teens from misbehaving on the holiday.

According to a city ordinance code, those over 12 who “engage in the activity commonly known as ‘trick or treat’ or any other activity of similar character or nature under any name whatsoever” could face a fine up to $100 or face jail time of up to six months.

People who are out past 8 p.m. on Halloween could also face a similar fine or jail sentence.

The city, however, insisted cops won’t be actively seeking out trick-or-treaters who are violating the rules. Officials said the ordinance is in place as a safety precaution.

“Chesapeake Police staff will focus on making sure the evening is safe for everyone,” the city wrote on its website. “For example, a 13-year-old safely trick-or-treating with a younger sibling is not going to have any issues. That same child taking pumpkins from porches and smashing them in the street more likely will.”

Chesapeake isn’t the only city in Virginia with strict rules on Halloween. Officials in Norfolk and Newport News also banned children older than 12 from trick-or-treating, classifying it as a “Class 4 misdemeanor.”