A retired Vietnam veteran and his wife are getting results in their free time preparing and donating meals to the less fortunate. (Fox 46)
A retired Vietnam veteran and his wife are getting results in their free time preparing and donating meals to the less fortunate.
FOX 46 Charlotte is on the hunt for a mystery Good Samaritan who helped the couple.
Al Littmann and his wife are getting results in their community. Every Saturday the couple stops by the local Publix to pick up unused bread. Then they hop in the car and drive more than 20 minutes to Union County to donate the food to a local pantry.
Al and his wife always stop somewhere to eat after their volunteer work.
#NEWAT10 The search is on! A Vietnam vet known for volunteering in his community, now searching for whoever paid it forward to him. pic.twitter.com/RPkRMmjl85
— Brett Baldeck (@BrettFOX46) March 22, 2017
This past Saturday they came to Waxhaw and ate at Stacks, but this time they never had to open their pocketbook to pay for their meal.
“We had breakfast and the waitress came and said our bill was taken care of,” Al said.
The mystery diner wanted to stay anonymous. Their act of kindness all stemmed from a hat Al was wearing.
“The person said that they paid for our meal because I’m a veteran,” Al said.
The Litmann’s left the restaurant thankful but never had an opportunity to express their gratitude until now. By sharing their story they hope it will get results for them and be able to introduce them to the Good Samaritan.