Video shows home explosion seconds after police rescue

A police dash cam video captures a dramatic scene in Southern California on Thursday, when a mobile home explodes just seconds after police rescue a man from the burning structure.

Others in the Cypress neighborhood, about 30 miles south of downtown Los Angeles, are seen clearing the area in the nick of time, but unfortunately the man was hospitalized in critical condition with burns suffered prior to the explosion.

"We pulled him. He was hanging on to something very tightly, and that broke, and we got him out right before it blasts," said Officer Melissa Grove of the Cypress Police Department.

The ordeal started when Cypress firefighters responded to a call at a mobile home park in the early afternoon and found the unit ablaze, Capt. Larry Kurtz of the Orange County Fire Authority told the Orange County Register.

34 OCFA firefighters managed to contain the fire before it spread to adjacent mobile homes, Kurtz said. Firefighters extinguished the flames in 20 minutes.

The man who was burned was reportedly not a resident of the unit that burned, and it is unknown if he lived elsewhere in mobile home park or was a visitor.

Kurtz said the man was sent to the UCI Medical Center to be treated. The OCFA determined that the explosion was caused by oxygen tanks.

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