US offers $3 million bounties for 3 Somali extremists linked to al-Qaida

The State Department is offering bounties of up to $3 million each for three members of a Somalia-based extremist group with ties to al-Qaida.

The group is al-Shabab, and it claims responsibility for last year's deadly attack on a Kenyan shopping mall.

The department says rewards are being offered for information leading to the arrest or conviction of Abdikadir Mohamed Abdikadir, Yasin Kilwe and Jafar, who goes by one name.

The three men hold senior roles in al-Shabab, which has launched attacks in Somalia, Kenya and Uganda. The bounties are part of the "Rewards for Justice" program that offers cash for information about terror suspects.

The department says Abdikadir coordinates al-Shabab's recruitment in Kenya, and Jafar is his deputy. Officials say Kilwe is al-Shabaab's emir for Somalia's Puntland region.