
An unlicensed, intoxicated New Hampshire driver charged with killing two Massachusetts cyclists has been sentenced to 15 to 40 years in prison.

Twenty-year-old Darriean Hess of Seabrook pleaded Monday to two counts of manslaughter and second-degree assault. She answered brief questions from the judge, and mostly looked down at a table as relatives made emotional statements about their loved ones. Some said they hoped for a longer sentence while others implored her to learn from her mistakes.

Police say Hess was ticketed for speeding eight hours before the 2013 crash that killed 60-year-old Pamela Wells and 52-year-old Elise Bouchard. They say Hess was under the influence of drugs when she ran into the cyclists in Hampton just after the start of the Granite State Wheelmen Tri-State Seacoast Century ride.