TSA subjects 7-year-old with cerebral palsy to aggressive pat down, family misses flight

A 7-year-old girl with cerebral palsy was reportedly the subject of aggressive screening by Transportation Security Administration agents on Monday, causing her family to miss their flight, CBSDC.com reported.

Dina Frank was traveling with her family from John F. Kennedy International Airport to Florida. She is unable to pass through airport metal detectors because she walks leg braces and crutches, and instead must go through a pat-down procedure by TSA agents, according to the site.

Dina also has a development disorder, making the procedure frightening if not done with special care.

Her family reportedly asked the agents on duty to introduce themselves to make her more comfortable. But the agents proceeded aggressively, according to the site.

The inspection was especially traumatic for Dina and the family ended up missing their flight.

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“They’re harassing people. This is totally misguided policy,” Dina’s father, Dr. Joshua Frank, told The Daily. “Yes, I understand that TSA is in charge of national security and there’s all these threats. [But] for her to be singled out, it’s crazy.”

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