Newly installed 20-foot-tall letters spelling out T-R-U-M-P are seen on the side of real estate billionaire Donald Trump's skyscraper in Chicago, Thursday, June 12, 2014. The letters have triggered a war of words between Trump and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. (AP Photo/Stacy Thacker)
It's too soon to tell whether cooler heads will prevail in the Donald Trump-Rahm Emanuel spat over the billionaire's name being prominently affixed to a Chicago skyscraper.
As for the tower's sprinkler heads, well, that's another story.
The first floor of the Trump International Hotel and Tower flooded Thursday morning after a test of the building's sprinkler system went awry, the Chicago Tribune reported.
The water poured through the ceiling near the 96-floor tower's southwest entrance and gushed down stairs around 9 a.m.
Crews were making repairs as of early Thursday afternoon, the paper reported.
The tower, located along the Chicago River, has made news in recent weeks over a sign bearing Trump's last name in 20-foot-tall letters affixed to the building's side. Emanuel has called the sign "architecturally tasteless," while Trump has deemed it a "world-class sign" that is a valuable addition to the Chicago skyline.
The tower also flooded on Feb. 15 after a standpipe installed by the Chicago Fire Department was opened, causing an estimated $700,000 in damage. Three men were charged with felony criminal damage to property in the case.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.