Trump reacts to rare praise from Biden over his administration's COVID-19 vaccine success

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Trump 'very appreciative' and 'surprised' Biden acknowledged his administration's COVID vaccine success
Former President Trump said Tuesday he was "very appreciative" and "surprised" that President Biden thanked him and his administration for their success in making COVID-19 vaccines available to the public, telling Fox News that "tone" and "trust" were critical in getting Americans vaccinated.

Biden on Tuesday afternoon announced increased testing capacity and expanded access to vaccines and support for hospitals across the country amid a surge in cases of the omicron variant, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced this week makes up more than 73% of new infections in the country.

"Thanks to the prior administration and our scientific community, America is one of the first countries to get the vaccine," Biden said Tuesday. "Thanks to my administration, the hard work of Americans … our rollout made America among the world leaders in getting shots in arms."

In an exclusive interview with Fox News on Tuesday evening, Trump reacted to Biden acknowledging his administration’s efforts.

"I'm very appreciative of that — I was surprised to hear it," Trump told Fox News. "I think it was a terrific thing, and I think it makes a lot of people happy."

Trump then repeated that he was "a little bit surprised."

"I think he did something very good," Trump said. "You know, it has to be a process of healing in this country, and that will help a lot." CLICK HERE FOR MORE ON OUR TOP STORY

In other developments:
- Biden to announce support for hospitals, access to free COVID tests, vaccine availability amid omicron surge
- White House: People won't have to 'wear a mask all the time' if 'we make progress' fighting COVID
- Biden admits his vaccine mandates are unpopular but says they're 'legal and effective'
- Republicans accuse Biden of controlling Americans with ‘fear’ as COVID cases spike
- Reporters ask Biden if testing shortage is a failure for the administration
- Crenshaw calls on Biden admin to apologize to Trump admin

Biden declines to say whether Manchin broke a commitment
President Biden refused to comment on whether Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., broke a commitment to the president to support the Build Back Better legislation.

"Sen. Manchin and I are going to get something done," Biden said Tuesday when asked if Manchin had backed away from previous support for the plan.

Biden's remarks came during an impromptu news conference following his address to the nation outlining his plans to combat the omicron variant, with reporters peppering the president with questions about his ongoing negotiations with Manchin.

"Some people think maybe I'm not Irish because I don't hold a grudge," Biden said in response to another question about Manchin. "But I want to get things done. I still think there's a possibility of getting Build Back Better done."

The exchanges came after a drama-filled week featuring the president and the West Virginia Democrat, with Biden releasing a statement singling out Manchin for the delay in passing his massive legislation, a move that reportedly helped prompt the senator to completely cut off negotiations with the White House. 

"I've done everything humanly possible," Manchin said during an appearance on Fox News over the weekend, where he announced his opposition to Biden's plan. "When you have these things coming at you the way they are right now … I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation." CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

In other developments:
- Biden, Democrats face grim findings in 2 new polls
- Do West Virginians back Joe Manchin's opposition to Build Back Better?
- Biden the 'Grinch' has permanently lost the support of America: Dan Patrick
- Inflation is real, and Democrats don't care: Mick Mulvaney
- CNN host lashes out at Joe Manchin over opposition to Build Back Better bill: 'One man's vote'
- Senate Dems convene emergency call amid grim outlook for massive spending bill, Manchin mum on if he'll attend

Kim Potter jury indicates potential deadlock, asks judge what happens 'if a jury cannot reach consensus'
The jury in the trial of former Minnesota police Officer Kim Potter indicated a potential deadlock on Tuesday evening after nearly 13 hours of deliberation, asking the judge what they should do if they cannot agree on a verdict

Judge Regina Chu read the jury's question for the court, "If a jury cannot reach consensus, what is the guidance around how long and what steps should be taken?"

The judge responded by reading part of the instructions that were given to the jury on Monday. 

"You should decide the case for yourself but only after you should have discussed the case with your fellow jurors and have carefully considered their views," Judge Chu said. "You should not hesitate to re-examine your views and change your opinion if you become convinced they are erroneous, but you should not surrender your honest opinion simply because other jurors disagree, or merely to reach a verdict."

Potter's defense attorneys objected to Judge Chu rereading the jury instructions, arguing that it would emphasize that aspect of the instructions over everything else. The judge overruled the objection. 

The jury – which consists of nine White people, two Asian people, and one Black person – deliberated for a little more than five hours on Monday after closing arguments. They have been deliberating for about eight hours on Tuesday, as of 7:00 p.m. ET. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

In other developments:
- Kim Potter trial: Jury deliberates for second day in case over shooting death of Daunte Wright
- Harvard professor Charles Lieber convicted of hiding ties to China
- Kim Potter trial: Jury begins deliberations for former cop charged in shooting death of Daunte Wright
- Kim Foxx lied about contacts with Jussie Smollett's sister, violated legal ethics, investigation finds


- GOP Sen. John Thune seriously considering retirement: report
- Colorado DA asks court to reconsider truck driver’s 110-year sentence in deadly fiery crash
- Utah college student reportedly tipped off her parents that she was in danger with unusual early-morning text
- Brawl between Packers, Ravens fans in Baltimore drags woman into melee
- Michigan school district suggests joining BLM protests, warns calling US 'land of opportunity' is 'microaggression'
- South Dakota suspect in deaths of brother, pregnant sister-in-law told police chief, 'I snapped,' report says

- SEC allows Apple shareholder's push for details on non-disclosure
- Tesla's Musk says he sold 'enough stock'; slams California for 'overtaxation'
- Chicago mandates vaccines for restaurants, bars, and gyms amid COVID-19 surge
- USPS does not expect any delays as shipping deadline approaches
- Elizabeth Holmes' jury unsuccessfully tries to study at home
- Apartment owners 'golden age' primed to continue in 2022


Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick on Tuesday night suggested that President Biden and his administration were at odds with a quintessential American value -- hope.

"I think about the leftist agenda of this administration and the dour, life-is-bad, you-better-get-used-to-it personality of Biden," Patrick said on "Tucker Carlson Tonight." "And what's the real principle? They have no hope. They have a lack of hope. They're divisive [and] they look for someone to blame their failures."

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This edition of Fox News First was compiled by Fox News' David Aaro. Thank you for making us your first choice in the morning! We’ll see you in your inbox first thing Thursday.

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