Trump 'chalking' prompts hand-wringing at Wisconsin campus

The Donald Trump campus chalking conspiracy continues.

The University of Wisconsin Lacrosse is the latest campus where messages touting the polarizing developer's presidential bid were taken as "micro-aggressions" by college students apparently seeking shelter from disparate political beliefs.

"All Lives Matter," "Build the wall" and "Stop Illegal Immigration" were among the messages inscribed in chalk around the grounds earlier this month, prompting the school to send its "Hate Response Team" to investigate, according to

The investigative group even posted a message on its Facebook page to quell the worries of the student body.

"While we respect peoples’ right to express their opinions, we also recognize that some communities on campus experience these messages as discriminatory or hostile,” read the message.

“All manifestations of prejudice and intolerance are contradictory to our mission as a university. If you experience any bigotry on or off campus, please turn to trusted friends and/or campus resources for support. Again, please remember that members of our Hate Response Team are here to support the individual and collective impacted by hate/bias and to stand up against all forms of oppression.”

The HRT has also encouraged the student body at UW-LaCrosse to file reports on any “micro-agressions” or hate crimes they encounter.

Pro-Trump chalk messages have appeared on college campuses at Emory University, in Atlanta, Depaul University in Chicago, University of California San Diego and other schools around the country.

"The episodes at Emory and other campuses illustrate the power of a humble stick of chalk, a utensil used by college students for decades," the New York Times reported in a story about the phenomenon that ran on April 1.

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