On this day, Feb. 9 ...

1964: The Beatles make their first live American television appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show," broadcast from New York on CBS.

Also on this day:

  • 1825: The House of Representatives elect John Quincy Adams president after no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes.
  • 1861: Jefferson Davis is elected provisional president of the Confederate States of America at a congress held in Montgomery, Ala.
  • 1942: The U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff holds its first formal meeting to coordinate military strategy during World War II.
  • 1942: Daylight-saving "War Time" goes into effect in the United States, with clocks moving one hour forward.
  • 1942: The SS Normandie, a former French liner being refitted for the U.S. Navy at a New York pier, catches fire. (It would capsize early the next morning).
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wisc.) testifies in Washington, March 8, 1950 before a Senate foreign relations subcommittee named to hear his charges that Communists have infiltrated the State department. McCarthy was the first witness before the group. (AP Photo/Herbert K. White)

Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wisc.) testifies in Washington, March 8, 1950 before a Senate foreign relations subcommittee named to hear his charges that Communists have infiltrated the State department. McCarthy was the first witness before the group. (AP Photo/Herbert K. White)

  • 1950: In a speech in Wheeling, W. Va., Sen. Joseph McCarthy, R-Wis., charges that the State Department is riddled with Communists.
  • 1960: Adolph Coors Co. chairman Adolph Coors III, 44, is shot to death in suburban Denver during a botched kidnapping attempt. (The man who killed him, Joseph Corbett Jr., would serve 19 years in prison.)
  • 1964: The G.I. Joe action figure is introduced at the American International Toy Fair in New York.
  • 1971: A magnitude 6.6 earthquake in California’s San Fernando Valley claims 65 lives.
  • 1971: The crew of Apollo 14 returns to Earth after man’s third landing on the moon.
  • 2005: Hewlett-Packard Co. chief executive Carly Fiorina is forced out by board members, ending her nearly six-year reign.
  • 2009: President Barack Obama uses his first news conference since taking office to urgently pressure lawmakers to approve a massive economic recovery bill.
  • 2009: New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez admits to taking performance-enhancing drugs, telling ESPN he’d used banned substances while with the Texas Rangers for three years.
  • 2014: Missouri All-American Michael Sam comes out to the nation as an openly gay player in published interviews with ESPN, The New York Times and Outsports.
  • 2014: Despite a wave of online protests, Copenhagen Zoo in Denmark kill a healthy male giraffe named "Marius" because of rules imposed by a European zoo association to deter inbreeding.
  • 2017: A federal appeals court refuses to reinstate President Trump’s ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations, unanimously rejecting the administration’s claim of presidential authority, questioning its motives and concluding that the order was unlikely to survive legal challenges.