
On this day, April 18 …

2019: The much-anticipated report from Special Counsel Robert Mueller is released and does not find evidence of collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. But it does reveal an array of controversial actions by President Trump that were examined as part of the investigation’s obstruction inquiry.

Also on this day:

  • 1775: Paul Revere begins his famous ride from Charlestown to Lexington, Mass., warning colonists that British troops are approaching.
  • 1906: A devastating earthquake strikes San Francisco, followed by raging fires; estimates of the final death toll would range between 3,000 and 6,000.
  • 1923: The first game is played at the original Yankee Stadium in New York; the Yankees defeat the Boston Red Sox 4-1.
  • 1934: The first laundromat (called a “washateria”) opens in Fort Worth, Texas.
  • 1938: Superman, aka “The Man of Steel,” makes his debut as the first issue of Action Comics (bearing a cover date of June) goes on sale for 10 cents a copy. 
  • 1945: Famed American war correspondent Ernie Pyle, 44, is killed by Japanese gunfire on the Pacific island of Ie Shima, off Okinawa.
Prince Rainier III and actress Princess Grace Kelly wave from the palace terrace at Monaco in the South of France on April 18, 1956.(AP Photo)

Prince Rainier III and actress Princess Grace Kelly wave from the palace terrace at Monaco in the South of France on April 18, 1956.(AP Photo)

  • 1956: Actress Grace Kelly marries Prince Rainier of Monaco in a civil ceremony.
  • 1978: The Senate approves the Panama Canal Treaty, providing for the complete turnover of control of the waterway to Panama on the last day of 1999.
  • 1988: An Israeli court convicts John Demjanjuk, a retired auto worker from Cleveland, of committing war crimes at the Treblinka death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland. 
  • 1995: Legendary NFL quarterback Joe Montana retires from professional football. 
  • 1995: The Houston Post closes after more than a century.
  • 2014: An avalanche sweeps down a climbing route on Mount Everest, killing 16 Sherpa guides in the deadliest disaster on the world’s highest peak.
  • 2018: Bruno Sammartino, one of the longest-reigning champions in professional wrestling history, dies at the age of 82.