They're 'trying to kill me!' Store clerk recounts carjack victim's escape

April 19, 2013: Tarek Ahmed says he was working at a Cambridge gas station when a carjacking victim ran into his store. ( Winter)

April 19, 2013: The gas station where the Boston Marathon bombing suspects reportedly pushed carjacking victim out of their vehicles. ( Winter)

Tarek Ahmed was working at gas station in Cambridge, Mass. Thursday night when a young man ran into his store screaming.

"Call the police! Call the police! These people are trying to kill me!"

The young man was allegedly carjacked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology by the two men authorities now say have been identified as the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.

Authorities said early Friday the suspects dropped off the victim after driving around with him for about 30 minutes.

Ahmed, 45, described the young man as Caucasian and between 20 and 25 years old. He said the young man ran into his store "shaking and scared and very nervous."

"I thought he was drunk. I didn't believe him when he came in it just sounded very crazy," Ahmed told in an exclusive interview.

Ahmed let the man into the back room to use the phone to call the authorities.

"He just came in and said, 'call police, call police someone is trying to kill me,' " Ahmed said. "They stole car and dropped him off. It was very scary."

"He came very fast and was nervous and was afraid of the guy. He said they pushed him out of car," he continued. "When this guy came, I think he's drunk I don't believe him. He went inside and closed the door. He was shaking and very nervous. I only believe him when the cops came."

Ahmed says police took the gas station surveillance video tapes, and photos from the gas station store across the street where Ahmed believes the suspects stopped to buy something. Ahmed says he believes that was when the carjacking victim was shoved out of the car.

Ahmed said the young man did not appear injured, just badly shaken by the carjacking.

Ahmed too was shaken up.

"It has been very crazy difficult night for me," he said. "But I am so happy because they catch the one guy and will catch the other. That is good."

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