The Latest: VP Pence calls Barcelona attack 'horrific'

The Latest on U.S. reaction to the attack in Barcelona, Spain (all times EDT):

3:50 p.m.

Vice President Mike Pence is responding to the attack in Barcelona during remarks at the Panama Canal.

Pence calls the attack "horrific" and says the images of carnage he's seen "sicken us all."

He says, "The United States condemns this terror attack" and will do "whatever is necessary to help."

At least 12 people were killed and 80 wounded Thursday when a van plowed into a crowd in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district. Authorities are calling it a terrorist attack.

Pence is delivering remarks ahead of a tour of the newly-expanded canal in Panama City, which opened last year.

He's on the final stop of a four-country tour of Latin America.


3:30 p.m.

Hours after the deadly terrorist attack in Spain, President Donald Trump revived a widely discredited story about an Army general who supposedly halted Muslim attacks in the Philippines in the early 1900s by shooting the rebels with bullets dipped in pigs' blood.

"Study what General Pershing of the United States did to terrorists when caught. There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!" Trump tweeted.

Trump told the story of Gen. John Pershing — and his efforts to quell the Moro Rebellion — during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Spanish authorities are treating Thursday's incident as a terrorist attack, but so far have not blamed it on "radical Islamic terror."


2:25 p.m.

President Donald Trump is condemning what Spanish authorities say is a deadly terrorist attack in Barcelona.

Trump also says in a statement on Twitter that the U.S. will do "whatever is necessary to help." Trump tells Spain: "Be tough & strong, we love you!"

The White House has said Trump — who is on a working vacation at his private golf club in New Jersey — is being updated on developments by chief of staff John Kelly.

Trump's wife, first lady Melania Trump, tweeted her "thoughts and prayers" to Barcelona before the president.

At least one person was killed and many more wounded after a van was driven onto a sidewalk and down a pedestrian zone in Barcelona's historic Las Ramblas district.


1:55 p.m.

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is sending condolences to the families and victims of the attack in Barcelona and has offered U.S. assistance to authorities in Spain.

Speaking to reporters at the State Department shortly after a van plowed into a crowd in Barcelona, Tillerson said the incident "has the hallmarks of what appears to be yet another terrorist attack."

He said U.S. diplomats in Spain are currently assisting Americans there and asked those who are safe to notify their friends and families. He said the United States would never relent in tracking down terrorist suspects and holding them to account for their actions.

He said "terrorists around the world should know that the United States and our allies are resolved to find you and bring you to justice."