
If you are or aspire to be in the world of business, then you better aim to be constantly improving -- not only your company but yourself as well.

That's where Udemy comes in. The online learning and teaching marketplace has more than 40,000 courses and 12 million students.

Here's the really excellent part: We've sifted through those thousands and thousands of courses and picked 10 of the best. You can enroll in each of them today ... for just $10.

No kidding.

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From a leadership workshop with Seth Godin, to learning to be a better public speaker with TED curator Chris Anderson, to building a personal brand with Gary Vaynerchuk, you can take your skills to the next level without breaking the bank.

Let's take a look at the options:

An Entire MBA in 1 Course

Chris Haroun’s success story is no secret.

An award-winning business school professor, MBA graduate from Columbia University and author of the book that Forbes has deemed “one of six books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now,” called 101 Crucial Lessons They Don’t Teach You in Business School, Haroun has the magic touch when it comes to business sense.

And Haroun’s inspirational success story doesn’t stop there. Lately he’s been making a (large) footprint in business education. Haroun is now branching out to share his knowledge with the world, knowledge he picked up working at Goldman Sachs, the consulting industry at Accenture, several companies he started, the hedge fund industry at Citadel and the venture capital sector. Haroun jam-packed his real-world research into what is now the number-one bestselling business course on Udemy, called “ An Entire MBA in 1 Course.”

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iOS 10 & Swift 3: From Beginner to Paid Professional

Mark Price
Price is an ex-tech consultant and all-around app development pro. After making a name for himself in the technology consulting world, he dove into developing, and has 57 apps under his belt. With iOS 10 and Swift 3: From Beginner to Paid Professional, he’s sharing everything he knows about the newest changes.

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The Complete iOS 10 Developer Course - Build 21 Apps

Rob Percival
Then there's Percival, who runs the well-known web hosting and design service Eco Web Hosting and is the instructor for Udemy’s most popular and highest rated paid course. He’s bringing you The Complete iOS 10 Developer Course - Build 21 Apps. Learn from the best as he uses the most popular apps to teach you development concepts – by making your own clones of current apps such as Instagram and Snapchat, you’ll get a behind-the-scenes view at what makes these apps incredible.

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Building a Personal Brand by Gary Vaynerchuk

When Gary Vaynerchuk speaks about branding, everyone perks up and listens. And for good reason.

Vaynerchuk makes it his business to build businesses -- thriving, multi-million dollar companies. In his early days, Vaynerchuk grew his family wine business from a $3 million to $60 million business in just five years. His digital agency VaynerMedia represents brands such as Pepsi-Co, General Electric, and Anheuser-Busch. He’s an angel investor and venture capitalist, plus a three-time New York Times bestselling author and a prolific public speaker. Vaynerchuk is a success story and an inspiration, and that’s why people want to hear what he has to say about entrepreneurship, marketing and branding.

Vaynerchuk has recently condensed his real-world knowledge into a course offered by Udemy called “Building a Personal Brand .” For aspiring thought leaders who want to escape the nine-to-five, the course helps define your passions and strengths, giving you a blueprint for establishing yourself as a brand in your specific interests.

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Seth Godin's Freelancer Course

Get paid for doing something you love to do, at the place and time you want it done. Nothing to cloud your mood while you work — no harrowing commutes, no overbearing officemates, no clueless bosses — just whiffs of comforting aroma from your favorite drink. And unlimited breaks.

Now who wouldn’t want a freelance lifestyle and the bundle of joy it brings?

One of the most popular and highly rated courses on the subject is serial entrepreneur, author, blogger and speaker Seth Godin’s Freelancer Course. This three-hour course promises to help you “Become Remarkable, Find Better Clients, and Do Work That Matters.”

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Seth Godin's Leadership Workshop

To be the best leader you can, evaluate how you personally view leadership. What does it mean to you?

If this question rattles your brain, then consider joining Seth Godin’s Leadership Workshop. In this short one-day course, the world-renowned speaker and bestselling author will help you explore the goals and nuances of leadership, altering your ideas on what exactly makes a good leader.

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How To Start a Business With No Money, Borrowing or Credit

An entire online course has been built around the counter-intuitive statement that “you don’t need the money, you need a better strategy.” Udemy.com’s course, “How To Start a Business With No Money, Borrowing or Credit,” makes this statement repeatedly and actually analyzes real business case studies that prove it.

The course authors, Peter Sage and Jimmy Naraine, have started several businesses with no money, and share their learning experiences with their students. Sage is a celebrity entrepreneur who personally started over 20 companies -- of which some failed (and he took away lessons!), and others have become large global success stories. Naraine’s path to greatness includes working for companies such as Goldman Sachs, running his own businesses and sharing his inspiration with more than 41,000 students.

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The Essential Guide to Entrepreneurship by Guy Kawasaki

Every journey starts with a single step. But what if you’re itching to launch your very first business but don’t have the slightest clue how to go about it?

Meet Guy Kawasaki, who helped turn the Macintosh into a cultural icon and who encourages everyone to discover their innate artistry on Canva, the online graphic design tool. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur of any skill level or experience level, Kawasaki can help you peel away layers of uncertainty in the business formation process -- from when you formulate a business idea to the moment the idea gets validated by the market -- in more detailed video lectures here available to our readers.

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The Non-Technical Person's Guide to Building Products & Apps

There are many ways to compensate for the lack of technical skills. You can always learn them, partner with people who have them, or get the right tools and techniques that will help you test and launch a business idea on your own.

Here's one of the best tools for non-technical entrepreneurs to plan, build and launch a product: Sprintkick’s Evan Kimbrell launched a new course to show you how it’s done. From the moment your business idea sparked into existence to testing whether the market wants it; and from creating a prototype to building your product on a tight budget, Kimbrell’s 20-hour video course walks you through each step non-techies should take to win a lopsided game.

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Chris Anderson on Public Speaking

As you can imagine, former journalist turned TED curator Chris Anderson has seen TED speakers who are all over the spectrum of fear of public speaking. Some are terrified and shaking, and others are just slightly nervous. You may think that if you’re on the terrified end of the spectrum that you’re probably not going to be able to give a good speech.

Anderson is here to tell you you’re wrong.

Anyone can give a talk – and not just a talk, but an amazing talk. Once you learn the tools to connect with the audience, explain your topic and persuade them, you’re halfway there. All you have to do is practice until you’re blue in the face and you’ll have a winner on your hands.

Enroll now for $10