Tennessee man torches self after learning of financial loss, police say

A Tennessee man killed himself by self-immolation Wednesday morning after learning that he would not be receiving finances he had anticipated, police told FoxNews.com.

Investigators believe Michael McReynolds, 61, doused himself with gasoline before lighting himself on fire at his west Knoxville home, Darrell DeBusk, the Knoxville Police Department's public information officer, said. Fire crews responded within minutes and managed to put out the flames. Authorities are waiting for an autopsy report to determine if McReynolds was still alive when rescuers arrived.

McReynold’s wife was home during the incident but his children were away, police said. Fire officials believed his wife placed the 911 call, but could not confirm.

Police began an investigation but do not expect foul play. McReynolds was employed, his home did not face foreclosure and police are unaware of any history of mental problems, DeBusk said.

The financial assistance was not any type of government handout and described by authorities as important assistance from a private organization.

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