Tennessee dance teacher arrested on sex charges involving teen

A ballet dancer performs during a class in Lausanne, Switzerland, Feb. 1, 2011. (Reuters)

A 29-year-old recently fired youth dance instructor was arrested Thursday on multiple sex charges involving a 14-year-old girl, say police in Franklin, Tenn.

Police began investigating Ross McCord, of Brentwood, in late October after the girl’s parents came forward with “disturbing information, Nashville’s Fox 17 reported.

McCord has been indicted on four counts of statutory rape by an authority figure, four counts of aggravated statutory rape, solicitation of sexual exploitation by a minor and exploitation of a minor by electronic means, the Nashville Tennessean reported.

Detectives believe there may be more victims, the newspaper reported.

DC Dance Factory, where McCord was employed, said it fired McCord and notified parents of its students soon after learning of the police investigation, the paper reported.

McCord was to be booked Thursday evening into Williamson County Jail under a $50,000 bond, according to the paper.

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