Teen scores porn star as prom date on Twitter

A Minnesota high school student looks set for a prom to remember after lining up an adult film actress to be his date.

After most of the girls at his school already had partners for the big night, Michael Stone took to Twitter to ask just about every adult film star he could think of to help him out.

After around 600 tweets, it looks like Stone, who says he is 18, has got a prom date -- and possibly even two.

Adult film actress Emy Reyes took up Stone's proposal on Twitter, saying "i would love tooo."

But at this stage, it looks like the lucky lady is Megan Piper, who accepted on condition Stone covers her travel costs from Los Angeles, The Huffington Post reported.

Now Stone is on a mission to raise around $400 to get his date a plane ticket to Minnesota for the May 12 dance.

Piper, 19, said she was not able to attend her senior prom and was excited about the possibility of going to Stone's.

"I thought it was really cute, and I thought it would make his night by saying 'yes,'" she told The Huffington Post.

Piper said if Reyes wanted to come to the dance she would be happy to share the spotlight as the two are friends.

"If she decided she wanted to go, too, that would be really cool," she said.

However, the girls may want to hold off on buying their gowns as Stone reportedly has not yet informed his parents or the school principal of his plans.

Stone's is the latest in a string of bold proposals to celebrities for formal occasions.

Last November, actress Mila Kunis attended the Marine Corps Ball in Greenville, N.C., after Sgt. Scott Moore asked her to be his date via a YouTube video. That same month, Kunis' "Friends With Benefits" co-star Justin Timberlake attended the Basic School Instructor Battalion 236th Marine Corps Birthday Ball in Richmond, Va., with Cpl. Kelsey De Santis.

Singer Taylor Swift was asked via Facebook to be the prom date of New Jersey high school student Kevin McGuire. Swift said she could not make it but instead asked the cancer battler to be her date to the Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas on 1 April.

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