Teen scores NFL star as prom date on Twitter

When 18-year-old Joyce Grendel's prom date backed out before the big dance, the Ohio teen did not despair. Instead, she got creative.

Fox 8 reports the bold teen decided to ask someone else to prom: Joe Haden, cornerback for the Cleveland Browns.

Grendel has long been a Haden supporter. She follows him on Twitter, has sent him encouraging messages and has gone to a few signing events.

"She’s been a really good Haden Nation supporter," Haden told Fox 8.

Grendel tweeted Haden, asking him to her senior prom.

“It just said, ‘Hey Joe, would you consider going to my senior prom with me because my date backed out and didn’t go,’ ” she told Fox 8.

Grendel said despite her gutsy tweet, she "didn't really think she had a chance" of scoring a date with Haden.

However, about an hour later Haden tweeted back, saying he would take Grendel to prom.

On Saturday, Haden escorted Grendel to her prom, and even drove the teen to the dance in his own white Lamborghini.

23-year-old Haden says the night was special to him too, as he never got to attend his own senior prom.

"This is my prom, too,” he told Fox 8.

Click for more on this story from Fox 8.

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