Stolen wind chimes lead boy to send apology note, $5

The handwritten note came with a $5 bill. (Q13 Fox)

A Pierce County, Wash., woman wants to find the young man who left an apology note at her door with $5 in it.

The note read, “I am sorry that we stole your windchimes our mom died and liked butterflies so my sister took it and put it by our window I am sorry this is only money I have please do not be mad at us.  -Jake”


Chrissy Marie says she is not mad and actually wants to find Jake so she can return the $5.

"Well Jake, I'm not sure who you are but you can come get your money back sweetie. I had 3 of those windchimes," Chrissy wrote on Facebook.

Adding, she can give Jake and his sister a second wind chime "so both of you have your own."

Chrissy told Q13 News that she lost her mother at 5 years old and knows how difficult it is to lose a parent, especially for a child.

She reiterated to us that she does not wish to embarrass or scare Jake away. She just wants to give him his money back.

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