Shots fired near US Capitol

Oct. 3, 2013: This view is from the Russell Senate Office Building shows police converging on the scene of a shooting on Constitution Avenue on Capitol and near the Supreme Court in Washington. (AP)

Oct. 3, 2013: A U.S. Capitol police officer lies on the steps of the Senate with a gun drawn in response to a report of shots fired . (AP/TAMPA BAY TIMES)

Oct. 3, 2013: Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I. watches at left as a Capitol Hill police officer puts on a his body armor after a reported shooting on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP)

Oct. 3, 2013: A member of the Secret Service Counter Assault team watches from the roof of the White House in Washington to survey the area, after reports of shot being fired on Capitol Hill. (AP)

Oct. 3, 2013: Capitol Hill police on the scene of a shooting on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP)

Oct. 3, 2013: Rescue personnel stand around a smashed U.S. Capitol Police car following a shooting near the U.S. Capitol in Washington. (REUTERS)

Oct. 3, 2013: An unidentified person is carried away on a stretcher after shots were fired near the US Capitol.

This map shows the reported beginning and end of the car chase that resulted in shots being fired near the US Capitol. (GOOGLE MAPS)