
A British man who admits his role in a plot to use explosives hidden in shoes to blow up planes in 2001 is testifying by video at the trial of Osama bin Laden's son-in-law in New York.

Saajid Badat (Sah-GEED Bih-DAT) testified from London on Monday at the trial of Sulaiman Abu Ghaith (SOO'-lay-mahn AH'-boo GAYTH), al-Qaida's spokesman immediately after the Sept. 11 attacks.

The 34-year-old United Kingdom resident said he was recruited in fall 2001 to blow up a plane on a domestic flight in America or a plane in Europe. He says he quit the plot in December 2001.

Immediately before Badat's testimony, prosecutors showed jurors videotape of Abu Ghaith warning Muslims in America and England not to board planes because he said the "storm of airplanes will not stop."

Abu Ghaith is charged with conspiring to kill Americans and providing material support to al-Qaida.