Professor investigated for sharp responses to Muslim student

The University of Cincinnati is reviewing a music professor's sharp responses to a Middle Eastern Muslim student who wrote in a class assignment that Donald Trump's presidency negatively affected her family.

Assistant professor Clifford Adams' written replies on the assignment included: "Review this list of Islamic terrorist attacks and then tell me about your hurt feelings," The Cincinnati Enquirer reported . Another note said: "Muslim females are safer in America than in any Middle Eastern country. How dare you complain while enjoying our protection!"

Adams told the newspaper he wasn't aware another student posted a photo of his remarks on Facebook. Adams said he couldn't comment because he hadn't seen that post.

The Facebook post shows that the Muslim student was writing about the Thirty Seconds to Mars song "Walk on Water," which has a video using footage filmed across the U.S. on the Fourth of July. The student wrote that the project featured diversity and shows "what America is really about and why we celebrate July 4."

The professor wrote back: "And just FYI, July 4th is not the day we tape a sign to a damn stick and go out and march with smug college brats and dysphoric drama queens, it is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. I am glad you took my class; you really do need to shut up, listen, and learn. Welcome to America, and welcome to college."

Three university offices are investigating the remarks by Adams, who is a nontenured assistant professor in the College-Conservatory of Music.

"The University of Cincinnati takes seriously all concerns for discriminatory or harassing conduct occurring within its community and, pursuant to its policies, will conduct an appropriate review," university spokesman Greg Vehr said in a statement.

Vehr said the school isn't aware of any previous similar reports about Adams.


Information from: The Cincinnati Enquirer,