Presidential addresses from Oval Office since 1981

Presidential addresses from the Oval Office since 1981:



—Gulf of Mexico oil spill, June 15, 2010


—War on terror in Iraq, Sept. 13, 2007

—War on terror, Sept. 11, 2006

—Immigration reform, May 15, 2006

—Iraq and the war on terror, Dec. 18, 2005

—Beginning of combat operations in Iraq, March 19, 2003

—Terrorist attacks, Sept. 11, 2001


—Airstrikes against Serbian targets in Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro), March 24, 1999

—U.S. military strike on Iraq, Dec. 16, 1998

—U.S. military strike on terrorist sites in Afghanistan and Sudan, Aug. 20, 1998

—Peace agreement in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Nov. 27, 1995

—Balanced budget plan, June 13, 1995

—Iraq, Oct. 10, 1994

—Haiti, Sept. 18, 1994

—Haiti, Sept. 15, 1994

—Somalia, Oct. 7, 1993

—National economic program, Aug. 3, 1993

—Strike on Iraqi intelligence headquarters, June 26, 1993

—National economic program, Feb. 15, 1993


—Somalia, Dec. 4, 1992

—Hurricane Andrew disaster relief, Sept. 1, 1992

—Los Angeles riots, May 1, 1992

—Reducing U.S. and Soviet nuclear weapons, Sept. 27, 1991

—Nomination of Robert Gates as CIA director, Sept. 13, 1991

—Suspension of allied combat operations in the Persian Gulf, Feb. 27, 1991

—Beginning of allied military action in the Persian Gulf, Jan. 16, 1991

—Federal budget agreement, Oct. 2, 1990

—U.S. military deployment to Saudi Arabia, Aug. 8, 1990

—U.S. military action in Panama, Dec. 20, 1989

—National drug control strategy, Sept. 5, 1989


—Aid to the Nicaraguan Democratic Resistance, Feb. 2, 1988

—Nomination of Robert H. Bork to the Supreme Court, Oct. 14, 1987

—First of several Oval Office addresses on Iran arms and Contra aid controversy, Nov. 13, 1986

—U.S. airstrike against Libya, April 14, 1986

—Nicaragua, March 16, 1986

—Space Shuttle Challenger explosion, Jan. 28, 1986

—Address on eve of the presidential election, Nov. 5, 1984

—Observance of Independence Day, July 4, 1984

—U.S. policy in Central America, May 9, 1984

—Announcement of Reagan-Bush candidacies for re-election, Jan. 29, 1984

—Events in Lebanon and Grenada, Oct. 27, 1983

—Soviet attack on a Korean civilian airliner, Sept. 5, 1983

—Announcement of new multinational force in Lebanon, Sept. 20, 1982

—Christmas and the situation in Poland, Dec. 23, 1981

—U.S. economy, Feb. 5, 1981

Sources: AP News Research Center, American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara

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