Popular webcam streaming images of Pacific walruses from remote Alaska island returns

A popular webcam showing large male Pacific walruses lying on the beach is once again streaming on the Internet.

The high-definition stream from Alaska's remote Round Island had been dormant for nearly a decade after private funding ran out.

But thanks to the philanthropic organization explore.org, the cam is again up and running.

Every summer, up to 15,000 walruses haul out on the island about 400 miles southwest of Anchorage in northern Bristol Bay.

There are four cameras pointed at two beaches on the remote island.

But like in 2005, the camera will be offline for a week in the fall so Alaska Natives can take part in a legal subsistence hunt of the walruses.

The walrus cam can be viewed at: http://explore.org/live-cams/player/walrus-cam-round-island.