Police storm Colo. home where pregnant woman shot

Police have stormed a suburban Denver home and arrested a 40-year-old man who authorities say shot his pregnant wife earlier in the day, then barricaded himself alone inside the home.

Police say the man's 33-year-old wife drove away from her house with her 3-year-old son and the family dog after she was shot Saturday morning at about 8:15 a.m.

City spokeswoman Kim Mutchler says police in Castle Rock surrounded the man's home and attempted to contact him. She says about 10 to 15 nearby homes were evacuated, she said.

Douglas County SWAT officers deployed tear gas a couple of times Saturday, but it wasn't enough to resolve the standoff.

A SWAT team stormed the home after 7 p.m.

Mutchler would not specify how the woman was wounded.

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