Police seek 'mad pooper' woman jogger who's defecating shamelessly on people's front lawns

Colorado Springs police said they are still working on identifying the so-called 'Mad Pooper' who is accused defecated in front of some homes last month.

Colorado Springs cops are hunting a woman dubbed “the Mad Pooper,” who’s been caught defecating in front of houses for weeks.

Cathy Budde told KKTV the unidentified woman has been relieving herself in front of Budde’s Colorado Springs home for at least seven weeks. Her children even caught the “mad pooper” squatting with her pants down in front of the house.

"They are like, 'There's a lady taking a poop!' So I come outside, and I'm like…'are you serious?'" Budde told KKTV. "'Are you really taking a poop right here in front of my kids!?' She's like, 'Yeah, sorry!'"


Budde said the incident happens at least once a week. She recalled catching the jogger doing her business last week. She said the woman “changed up her time a little bit” because she knew the family was watching.

“I put a sign on the wall that's like 'please, I'm begging you, please stop.'…She ran by it like 15 times yesterday, and she still pooped,” Budde told KKTV.

The Colorado Springs Police Department is now searching for the mysterious woman after the family’s complaints.

"It's abnormal, it's not something I've seen in my career," Colorado Springs Sgt. Johnathan Sharketti said. "For someone to repeatedly do such a thing…it's uncharted territory for me."

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