Police say man swallowed his mom's rings

Police in a southwestern Pennsylvania township said they've recovered one of two rings a man swallowed after he allegedly stole them from his mother — and are waiting for his digestive system to produce the other.

Fifty-three-year-old Robert Spriggs was charged with theft for allegedly stealing the rings, each valued at $30,000, while visiting his 81-year-old mother on Saturday in North Strabane Township.

Police said Spriggs swallowed one he had in his pocket during questioning. Police said he has previously swallowed the other ring.

Spriggs is in the Washington County Jail in a cell without a flushable toilet. Police said they had recovered one ring Monday, but it wasn't immediately clear if they had found the other. Online court records don't list an attorney for Spriggs.


Information from: Observer-Reporter, http://www.observer-reporter.com

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