Police looking for suspect in NYC bias attack on 1st gay couple married at West Point

Investigators are searching for a suspect in the bias attack on the first gay couple to be married at West Point, police said Tuesday.

Daniel Lennox-Choate, 30, and his husband, Larry, were shopping Sunday at a SoHo newsstand when they encountered the man, authorities said. He began shouting anti-gay slurs at the couple and then punched Daniel Lennox-Choate in the face.

The man fled on a bike, and the couple called police. Daniel Lennox-Choate refused medical attention.

"It's hard to believe that in 2015 we would have to deal with anti-gay hate crimes in soho of all places," Larry Lennox-Choate wrote on his Facebook page Sunday. "The hate crimes division of the NYPD is on the case and we have full faith a positive outcome will follow."

No arrests have been made. Police issued a photo of the suspect wearing a white T-shirt and holding a black backpack. Investigators are searching for more information on what transpired.

Daniel Lennox-Choate graduated from West Point in 2007, and his husband graduated two years later. The pair did not know each other as cadets but met later through a mutual friend.

They were married in 2013 at the landmark Gothic chapel at the Hudson Valley academy.