Police: Doughnut thief pees, offers officer sex

Police say an Oklahoma woman tripled her trouble when she stole a doughnut from someone's truck, peed in a parking lot and offered to perform a sex act on an officer for money.

The 27-year-old Tulsa woman was being held Thursday in Washington County Jail on charges of vehicle burglary, trespassing, indecent exposure and soliciting prostitution. Jail records do not show if she has a lawyer.

The Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise reports that the truck owner complained to police that the woman stole the doughnut at about 2 a.m. Wednesday. A convenience store clerk asked police to charge the woman because he said she relieved herself outside the store.

Officer R.S. Detherow says that when he told the woman she was under arrest, she offered to perform a sex act for money.


Information from: Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise, http://www.examiner-enterprise.com

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