In pictures: Hoboken, NJ, issues self-isolation order but few listen

The gates to a playground on Pier C in front of the skyline of midtown Manhattan in New York City remain locked in Hoboken, N.J., March 15, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

People walk and jog along the Hudson River in Hoboken, N.J., March 17, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

People walk and jog in front of the skyline of lower Manhattan in New York City as the sun sets in Hoboken, N.J., March 17, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

People walk through Pier A in Hoboken, N.J., March 15, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

The city of Hoboken, New Jersey sits in front of the skyline of midtown Manhattan in New York City as seen from Jersey City, N.J., March 15, 2020.  (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

A sign indicates the closure of playgrounds in Hoboken, N.J., March 15, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

People walk, cycle and drive along Washington Street, the main retail street in Hoboken, N.J, March 15, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

People watch the sun set on midtown Manhattan in New York City from Pier A in Hoboken, N.J., March 17, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

People work out in front of the skyline of lower Manhattan in New York City on Pier A in Hoboken, N.J., March 17, 2020.  (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

A woman stands in front of the skyline of lower Manhattin on Pier A in Hoboken, N.J., March 17, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

People walk and jog along the Hudson River in Hoboken, N.J., March 17, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

People walk by a mural on the wall of the Little League stadium in Hoboken, N.J., March 15, 2020. (FOX News/Gary Hershorn)

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