Panda cub born at San Diego Zoo

A 20-year-old giant panda has given birth at the San Diego Zoo, and it's a record.

Officials say it's the sixth cub born at the zoo to Bai Yun, the most at a breeding facility outside of China.

Zookeepers and researchers watched the birth Sunday afternoon via a closed circuit camera mounted inside the birthing den.

In a blog post, zoo officials say Bai Yun immediately scooped the cub into her arms and comforted the newborn.

Because of Bai Yun's advanced age the pregnancy was considered high risk, but zookeepers say mother and baby are doing fine.

The sex of the cub won't be known for several months.

It will be a while before Bai Yun and the new cub are on display but the public can glimpse them on the Panda Cam at the zoo's website.