Owner of Alabama bloodhound that finished 7th in half marathon speaks out

The owner of a bloodhound that ran a half marathon in Alabama and finished seventh said she didn't realize where her pet was until a friend texted a photo showing a ribbon around the dog's neck.

April Hamlin told Fox News her pet, Ludivine, was the highest-placing female in the entire race on Jan. 16. The dog beat nearly 160 people, racing more than 13 miles to the finish line in just over an hour and a half.

"I did not know that she had the discipline to run a half marathon. I know that she loves people, and she just likes to get out," the dog's owner said.

Ludivine finished seventh despite taking a quick break mid-race. The bloodhound noticed a dead rabbit on the side of the road, and needed to sniff around it first.

Hamlin says she and her dog live on a farm in Elkmont, and the race's starting point wasn't too far away. At first, all she knew was that Ludivine "was out for a little while."

Then the texts and phone calls came in. Friends told her what happened, and said she needed to come see her incredible dog.

Supporters took plenty of photos. Hamlin said somebody gave the dog pizza, which Ludivine promptly buried under a tree.

Now, Hamlin says she and her dog have much bigger plans. "I think she's got plans to be more focused next year," she said.

Proceeds from the race went to cross country and track programs at Elkmont High School.

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