Orlando nightclub massacre: New police body-cam video released from mass shooting

New videos released Wednesday from body-cams on officers responding to the attack at a gay nightclub in Orlando show shattered glass inside the club, the sounds of automatic gunfire and an officer shouting to the gunman, "Come out with your hands up or you will die!"

The 11 hours of video show Pulse patrons running from the club and officers shouting, "Just go!" as they direct them to safety across the street.

In another video, an officer off camera inside the club checks for the pulse of a patron only to announce the victim is dead.

Another officer later is heard in a video realizing that the massacre is an act of terrorism.

"It's terrorism in Orlando," the officer is heard saying of gunman Omar Mateen. "He pledged something to the Islamic State."

The 11 hours of footage were given to the Orlando Sentinel, FOX 35 Orlando, and ABC News through a public records request initially made nearly a year ago. None of the people who died that night are shown in the newly released tapes.

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Forty-nine patrons were killed during the massacre on June 12, 2016, and dozens more were injured in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Mateen was killed in a shootout with officers after a three-hour standoff. He pledged allegiance to ISIS during phone calls with police negotiators.

Some of the body-cam footage released Wednesday shows Pulse patrons being checked for weapons by officers after escaping the club with their hands up. Other footage shows an officer leading a patron out of a bathroom and down a hallway.

"Follow the sound of my voice. Come this way," the officer said.

One club patron was found crouched hiding in a shed and was hesitant to come out of it. "We're police, man. Come on. Get out!" an officer said.

Read more from The Orlando Sentinel.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.