Oregon teen plays Russian roulette, kills himself on New Year's Day

The Carriage Park Estates mobile home community in Sherwood, Ore. (Google Maps)

A teenage boy killed himself with a revolver while playing a game of Russian roulette by himself on New Year’s Day, Oregon police said.

The shooting – reportedly involving a .357 revolver -- happened around 4 a.m. local time at the Carriage Park Estates mobile home community in Sherwood, just outside of Portland.

“It appears that he brought a handgun with him and from a witness’s account that he was playing a game known as Russian roulette,” Sherwood Police Capt. Ty Hanlon told KOIN 6 News. “We believe that he showed up and initiated this all on his own.”

The teen has not yet been publicly identified, but Hanlon told KOIN 6 News investigators think he is from Marion County and had some connection to the people in the house, who are around 20 years of age. Police are also looking into whether the teen had any suicidal tendencies.

Ashley Burgdorf, a resident of the community, said one of the people at the house was distraught after first responders left.

“I asked them if everything is okay, anything we can do, and he seemed really shook up,” Burgdorf told KOIN 6 News. “He said that the boy just came out and shot himself, from what I understand. And he was trying to help him and he was really flustered, like he was really shook up about it.”

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