Orange County prosecutor appeals judge's lighter sentence for man who sodomized 3-year-old

The Orange County district attorney has appealed a judge's decision to give less than half the mandatory sentence to a man who sodomized a 3-year-old girl.

Tony Rackauckas announced the appeal Thursday. The district attorney has said he believes the April 3 ruling by Superior Court Judge M. Marc Kelly was illegal.

Kelly gave Kevin Rojano-Nieto 10 years instead 25 years to life, ruling the mandatory sentence was unconstitutional cruel and unusual punishment.

Kelly said a court-ordered examination concluded Rojano-Nieto wasn't a sexual predator and acted on impulse when he attacked a relative. He also said the girl's parents had asked for leniency.

The ruling outraged victims' rights groups and sparked recall demands. County supervisors also plan to vote on a resolution calling for the judge to resign.