Once-homeless man publishes book written along the way

A once-homeless man has published a book about homeless shelters and his five-year experience with homelessness.

The Spartanburg Herald-Journal reports Leroy F. Bennett, originally from New Jersey, was homeless for more than five years in various cities before moving to Spartanburg, South Carolina, two years ago. He documented his experiences during that time, writing in public libraries, which would become "Welcome to the Hotel California."

Bennett says he wanted to use his experiences to educate others about the vulnerable population and the complex circumstances surrounding homelessness.

Per the book's description, the "Hotel California" referenced in the title is a homeless shelter, of which, it says, there are more chains than any major hotel or motel.

Bennett says he's writing a second book on his experience transitioning from homelessness and finding a job.


Information from: Herald-Journal, http://www.goupstate.com/