U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents in Texas intercepted a passenger bus carrying 857 pounds of marijuana into the country from Mexico, officials said Monday.
The agents seized the smuggled drugs at the El Paso port of entry on Friday. The drugs had been hidden in the front wheel area of the bus.
"The thorough and comprehensive inspections performed by CBP officers on all modes of transport generated this significant drug seizure," Hector Mancha, CBP El Paso Port Director, said in a news release.
Mancha credits the multilayered enforcement team in the seizure.
Shortly after 6 a.m. on Friday, a CBP officer stopped a 1993 Dina bus for an intensive inspection. Officers x-rayed the vehicle when a drug sniffing dog alerted them to the bus.
During the exam, officers noticed "non-factory compartments" in the front area of the bus, where they discovered 754 marijuana-filled bundles.
An officer interviewed the driver, who was the only person on the bus, but no arrests were immediately made pending results of an ongoing investigation.